- mail a check to the Church address (put "Food Pantry" in the memo),
- donate online by clicking here for our e-payment option, or
- via Venmo Holy Spirit Verona @Jerry-Racioppi-2 [6663] and put "Food Pantry" in the comments.
Need Food Assistance?
There is no shame in asking for help. Life circumstances sometimes create times of need. No one should have to go hungry.
The Food Pantry is open from 9-11am on the 4th Saturday of every month. To see the next open date, visit our website calendar. Any Essex County resident in need is welcome. If you need assistance in an emergency, before this date, please contact our church office at [email protected] or leave a voicemail at (973) 239-2850 to make arrangements. We are very sensitive to people's privacy and will do whatever we can to ensure anonymity of recipients.
The Food Pantry is open from 9-11am on the 4th Saturday of every month. To see the next open date, visit our website calendar. Any Essex County resident in need is welcome. If you need assistance in an emergency, before this date, please contact our church office at [email protected] or leave a voicemail at (973) 239-2850 to make arrangements. We are very sensitive to people's privacy and will do whatever we can to ensure anonymity of recipients.
DonationsFood Items (unexpired non-perishable items) are accepted at all times; click HERE for our list of current needed items. Donations can be dropped off in our 24-hour bin located just outside the parking lot door of the Church building.
Financial Support is appreciated for us to be able to purchase low inventory items and be able to provide gift cards (when possible) to shoppers; the Food Pantry is a ministry of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit and your financial donation is tax deductible. You may mail a check to the Church address (put "Food Pantry" in the memo), donate online by clicking here for our e-payment option or via Venmo Holy Spirit Verona @Jerry-Racioppi-2 [6663] and put "Food Pantry" in the comments. |
Next Food Pantry Distribution Day is Saturday, February 22

For the month of February, we will open our Food Pantry on Saturday, February 22, the fourth Saturday of the month. The Pantry will accept Essex County residents only (ID required) as shoppers in the lower level from 9 to 11am. Shoppers will remain in their vehicles with a limited number being invited inside at a time. Home deliveries are still available for Verona/Cedar Grove residents who are unable to visit Pantry; contact our Church Office for arrangements.
The first shift of volunteers is from 8:15-9:45am and the second shift is from 9:45-11:15am. The Food Pantry is typically open the 4th Saturday of every month from 9-11am. For more information see: holyspiritverona.org/food-pantry.
The first shift of volunteers is from 8:15-9:45am and the second shift is from 9:45-11:15am. The Food Pantry is typically open the 4th Saturday of every month from 9-11am. For more information see: holyspiritverona.org/food-pantry.